by Help One Now Team | Jun 17, 2015 | Drouin, Fundraiser, Haiti, Ten Dollar Tribe
This Father’s Day, join us to support the fathers of Drouin, Haiti and #KeepFamiliesTogether. Drouin is located in the Artibonite Valley, home to 90% of Haiti’s rice farms. The Valley has struggled mightily over the past decade as subsidized rice has been imported...
by Help One Now Team | Jun 1, 2015 | Ethiopia, Help One Leader, Sponsorships, Ten Dollar Tribe
For all of us, the story written by our parents and the legacy they leave are the most significant factors in creating who we are and who we become. This fact is so important that the UN declared today, June 1st, the Global Day of Parents. To mark the occasion, we...
by Help One Now Team | May 18, 2015 | Ten Dollar Tribe, Zimbabwe
I still remember the day. It’s 2007, we left the Cape Town airport, flew to Johannesburg, and then drove to meet John and Orpha at the South Africa/Zimbabwe border. We filled the van with gas, food, and other supplies–things which were impossible to come...
by Help One Now Team | May 7, 2015 | South Africa, Ten Dollar Tribe
In leading up to Mother’s Day, Help One Now wants to celebrate a few of the incredible women from our communities. They work tirelessly to care for orphaned and vulnerable children, doing everything from providing meals to helping them get an education. They are...