About Us
Help One Now empowers families in developing countries through high-capacity local leaders with proven solutions to end extreme poverty.
About Us
Help One Now empowers families in developing countries through high-capacity local leaders with proven solutions to end extreme poverty.
The Origin of Help One Now

Help One Now empowers families in developing countries through high-capacity local leaders with proven solutions to end extreme poverty.
In 2007, our CEO and Founder, Chris Marlow, met a starving young child living in an abandoned gas station in Zimbabwe. That encounter compelled him to start Help One Now and dedicate his life to seeking justice by empowering leaders and organizing a wide table of people to do good together. Help One Now’s story began with caring for children. However, after years of research and conversations with brilliant local leaders, our model shifted to a more holistic approach and focus on the entire family unit. In the developing communities we serve, empowering families through education and entrepreneurship has proven to be the most effective course for long-term change, creating a hand up to build a better future for themselves and end the cycle of poverty.
Help One Now partners with high-capacity local leaders who are already working effectively in their respective communities in 8 countries around the world. These leaders are friends and partners who share our mission to end extreme poverty. They are our greatest resource, and without them, sustainable change is impossible. We truly believe our greatest gift is one another, and that together we can use our gifts, talents, passions, and resources to empower families and end extreme poverty forever.
Our Values

At Help One Now, we strive to incorporate our core values in everything we do. These values translate into our work on the ground, our work as a team, and our communication and partnership with the communities we serve.
We view all of our relationships as friendships and value open conversations and transparency in those relationships – from our team to donors, international partners, and everyone in between; we’re always open, honest, and upfront.
We are a wide table: we believe anyone who wants a seat at the table of doing good deserves to be here. That means we have a wide range of personalities and perspectives surrounding us, and we think that’s beautiful. We recognize tension but prioritize connection and empathy.
We believe our greatest gift is one another. Collaboration is how our best work gets done – collaborating with our friends, donors, international partners, and each other is what makes us great.
We are smart, fun, and entrepreneurial. Being part of our team means taking initiative and problem-solving some of the most unique issues, from small to large.
We exist to empower people around the world, and we take that value to heart. This includes empowering our team, donors, and friends. We believe everyone’s voice matters and seek to see all people live out their fullest potential.
Development work is hard; it’s not a quick fix and takes time. We are committed to the partners, families, and children we serve around the world. We’re in this for the long haul, and we believe true partnership only exists with true commitment. That commitment is a two-way street in all of our relationships, and we strive to uphold that commitment in all ways – our commitment to our donors to utilize the resources they give for the greatest impact, our commitment to international partners to stand by them and work together for good, our commitment to the people we serve to develop in healthy, sustainable, dignified ways, and our commitment to each other to see this work through.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. – James 1:27
Our Beliefs

At Help One Now, what we believe reflects the core Christian faith, aligning with our mission to transform communties through God’s love, justice, and the renewal of all things. This statement of faith draws from the Apostles’ Creed.
We believe in God Almighty
Maker of heaven and earth. We affirm that God is the Creator of all things, sovereign over all, and that God’s love and justice are the foundation of our hope and work.
We believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord
Who was crucified, buried, and, on the third day, rose again. We proclaim Jesus Christ as the savior of the world, whose life, death, and resurrection bring salvation and hope to all who believe. His example of love and service inspires and compels us to care for those in need.
We believe in the Holy Spirit
The holy universal Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. We recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in uniting a wide table of believers, empowering us for service, and guiding us in truth. We are committed to the mission of the Church, to be a light in the world, and to work for justice and mercy as we follow Christ.
We believe that all people are created in the image of God
And therefore possess inherent dignity and worth. We are called to love our neighbors, both locally and globally, and to serve the poor, oppressed, and marginalized. Through our work, we seek to reflect the love of Christ, empower communities, and bring about sustainable transformation in partnership with those we serve.
We believe in the power of the gospel
To change lives, communities, and the world. We are committed to proclaiming this good news in word and deed, trusting in God’s promise of renewal and restoration for all creation.
Impact Highlights

61,000+ Individuals
are impacted daily through Help One Now programs.

1,500+ Families
have launched hope through their new family business.

6,900+ Students
have been empowered through our education programs.
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Get To Know Us
Help One Now
PO Box 26716
Raleigh, NC 27611
Phone: (919) 230-6259
501(c)(3) (2009, U.S.)
EIN: 26-3618295