by Help One Now Team | Aug 20, 2021 | Empower Hope, Haiti, Help One Community, Help One Now, Taking Action
By Lamar Stockton, International Operations Director “Onward with Hope.” My friend Carlos signed off on a conversation earlier this week with that simple phrase, and it hit me right between the eyes. I keep hearing from so many people, including the ringing voice...
by Help One Now Team | Aug 5, 2021 | Haiti, Help One Community, Help One Family, Taking Action
My friend, Brennon, recently taught our team a Haitian proverb – Vwazinaj se fanmi -“The neighborhood is the family.” Yes! Let those powerful words rest on your heart for just a minute. The neighborhood is the family… Beautiful. There are layers upon layers...
by Help One Now Team | Mar 20, 2020 | Help One Community, Help One Now
Last night one of my biggest fears was realized. Haiti now has two confirmed cases of COVID-19. Friends, this is absolutely devastating on so many levels. No doubt, the entire world is struggling together to understand the ramifications of this virus: from The White...
by Help One Now Team | Jul 11, 2018 | 2018 Annual Report 4, Education, Help One Child, Help One Community, Help One Now, Sponsorships, Zimbabwe
At Help One Now, our dream for the children we sponsor is that they grow into healthy and thriving adults who are able to sustain themselves and give back to others in their own community. Our local leaders in Zimbabwe have been busy making sure that is exactly what...
by Help One Now Team | Jul 11, 2018 | Help One Community, Help One Leader, Help One Now, Sponsorships, Uganda
One key to success for the high capacity local leaders we work with, is the incredible support staff that work alongside them to move the daily progress toward community transformation forward. They are fully invested in the children and families that they serve and...
by Help One Now Team | Jan 11, 2018 | Help One Community, Help One Leader, Peru
We wanted to share an exciting story with you about some of the work we have been a part of with Kairos Ministries in Iquitos, Peru. We have always valued the local church both locally and abroad, and its role in seeking justice and caring for the oppressed. We know...