On April 12, we are taking a group of storytellers to Haiti to experience and recount the ongoing work of Help One Now and our local leaders in the areas of orphan prevention & anti-trafficking. This is what they have to look forward to…
We will visit the town of Drouin, in central Haiti, where we have a feeding program at a local school, serving 320 kids and 30 staff. This program promotes the health & education of children while benefitting local rice farmers. Most importantly, it keeps families together, which is sometimes as simple as a good meal and a chance at a good education. For more information, click here. We will meet these kids, talk with their families and teachers, and learn about their lives in this rice-farming community. We need 100 NEW SPONSORS in Drouin. We need 100 people to say YES.
We will also visit Ferrier Village – an anti-trafficking initiative of Help One Now. In process since 2011, and opened in May 2013, Ferrier Village is a refuge for orphaned children who have been rescued from traffickers, or are at a high risk of being trafficked. It’s a place where these kids will be cared for and restored to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. The Village currently consists of five homes, where 25 children are housed, clothed, fed, educated, emotionally restored, and spiritually discipled, with the intention to train and equip them as future leaders. On this trip, we will have a chance to meet the 25 children living in Ferrier, and the 6 House Moms who care for them. These House Moms are the true heroes…and we can’t wait to learn and tell their stories.
We need to build a pre-school in Ferrier…for these rescued kids and other children in the community. For more information, click here. We need 100 GARAGE SALES FOR ORPHANS in order to make this pre-school a reality. We need 100 people to say YES.
How you can help:
SHARE our posts on social media.
PRAY for us and for the communities we will be visiting. Pray for safety, for understanding, for joy and for hope. Pray for the children who need a sponsor, that they will be provided for. And pray for the caregivers, both parents of children who are not yet orphaned and the ones giving care to children who are orphaned.
We are excited to see what is in store for this amazing group of storytellers next week!