Photo by Scott Wade: Steps of Faith
Life is humbling. Last night I went to bed thinking about all the “good” the H.E.L.P. community has been able to do these last few months. I love Galatians 6:10
So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
That’s what our community has been able to do these past few months. Our partners, friends, and individual donors have rallied around Haiti and Zimbabwe to “do good ” and help rescue orphans, restore their hope and renew their communities.
Here’s how:
Through our Haiti: We Have Not Forgotten initiative in partnership with our Garage Sale for Orphans initiatives we’ve been able to:
– Fund and Build a kids home for 32 orphans in Haiti. This should be completed this month.
– Fund & build a home for a family in Haiti that lost everything.
– Purchased tents for 30 kids who lost everything in a freak storm.
– Fund a water-well in Zimbabwe.
– Fund an after school program for orphans in Zimbabwe.
– Purchase a generator and water tower for our partners in Zimbabwe.
– Sponsor over 100 kids in Haiti, Zimbabwe and Uganda.
– Raise the funds to repair multiple, damaged water-wells in Haiti. (update coming soon)
We’ve have been so busy, it’s hard to slow down, pause, reflect and most importantly, to say thank you for all your hard work, labor and sacrifice. We are so grateful.
Also, it’s only the beginning. We’re going to build more homes in Haiti, bring clean water to more communities in desperate need, sponsor more kids, and possibly partnering with some key organizations to build safe-homes in Haiti (in 2011) for those who were trafficked after the earthquake.
We won’t quit. We won’t stop. We won’t give up…because the need is big, the evil is real and the Gospel is moving forward in both word and deed. So again, thanks for all you do for H.E.L.P. and the orphan!