St. Fleur Djoudeline is a member of the Spirit of Truth School in Drouin. Her family has a farm that grows rice in the valley, like many other families with children in the school. Due to her family’s financial circumstances, Djoudeline had not been able to attend school and helped her parents in the gardens.
Djoudeline’s life changed completely when she came to school in Drouin. She finally has a place where she can learn and thrive! She is an incredibly bright, young girl, who now has the best teachers and resources around her to help with her education.
Djoudeline is now in the 6th grade, and is passionate about her education. She dreams of becoming a nurse one day, so she can help the community where she grew up.

Drouin school has been a help to Djoudeline’s family because they did not have the financial means to send her to school on their own. Having the security of a hot meal every single day, as well as a quality education provides them great comfort.
Because of your support, other families and other children also have access to these resources. Thank you for being part of empowering family through education!