by Chris Marlow | Nov 11, 2021 | Help One Now
Written by Help One Now Founder & CEO, Chris Marlow. Welcome to the final part of our series, Walking Together in Hope. I chose the title of this series very carefully. While we have unpacked a lot of challenging information in this series, I ultimately knew that...
by Chris Marlow | Nov 4, 2021 | Help One Now
Written by Help One Now CEO & Founder, Chris Marlow In the second installment of this series, Genessa spoke beautifully about how we can process painful experiences together and work towards joy. In this article, I want to dive a little deeper into biblical joy...
by Chris Marlow | Oct 28, 2021 | Haiti, Help One Now
Written by Genessa Newberry, Help One Now International Programs Manager In the last installment of this series, Chris introduced the true meaning of partnership and what it means to walk through suffering together. He talked about how visiting our partners in their...
by Chris Marlow | Oct 21, 2021 | Help One Now
Written by Help One Now CEO & Founder, Chris Marlow There is so much happening in our world right now; international and domestic conflicts, human rights abuses, assassination, natural disasters, political unrest, and injustice. As a Help One Now supporter, we...
by Chris Marlow | Jan 12, 2020 | Haiti, Help One Now
My first trip to a developing country was in 2007. A few friends and I traveled to Zimbabwe with hopes of connecting our church in Austin, Texas with some churches in Africa. During my visit, I met some Zimbabwean leaders: a couple named John and Orpah Chinyowa. John...