During this time of global crisis, the local leaders we partner with are working tirelessly to ensure that their communities are taken care of. They are stocking up on non-perishable foods, medical supplies, and other needed items. They are continuing to provide daily meals for their students, as well as figuring out the best possible ways to support families throughout their communities. It is our hope that these leaders will not only be able to preserve the incredible work they are doing, but also be able to act as a resource should the virus continue to spread.

There is so much good happening on the ground in the communities we serve, and we want to highlight and celebrate it. Each week will bring you photos, videos, and stories from around the world.


On March 26th, Jean Alix and his team sewed masks to distribute to the community. 

On March 30th, Gaétan shared the food and supplies they bought for the first round of distribution.

On March 30th, Jean Alix shared how they are educating their communities about staying safe. They created and printed these posters in 4×8 and put it all throughout their communities. They also hired people with megaphones to share what is happening. 

On April 2nd, Gaétan did his first distribution of food and supplies to the Pestel community. 
Also on April 2nd, Gaétan did his first distribution of food and supplies at Yahve Shamma.

On April 3rd, Gaetan did a second food & supply distribution in Pestel.


On April 4th, Mercedes and her team distributed their 3rd round of food & supplies to the community.

A Story from Peru

This is the Tangoa family. Before the food distribution, they had not eaten for a couple of days. The father is a leader in his community ‘La Pradera’, one of the poorest communities in Iquitos. He makes his living cutting grass around town. Right now, he can’t go outside to work because being outside in forbidden due to the of the state of emergency in Peru. Receiving the food and supplies was a very big relief for them. 

Dominican Republic

On March 27th & 28th, Rod & his team spent the day distributing food & supplies to their community in La Vega. 

A Story from Rod

On March 30th, Rod shared the difficulties they are facing in trying to get food and supplies for the community. On the 29th, he went to the store to stock up and had to wait in line for hours. It was now the afternoon, and the D.R. recently instituted a 4 pm curfew. So Rod had the impossible decision of leaving the store after waiting so long and not getting any of the supplies, or continuing to wait, but risk being arrested for being out past the curfew.

On April 1st, Rod and his team passed out meals and care packages to the Haitian community living in La Vega, DR, and in the Barrio Maria Auxiliadora.


On March 31st, Aschalew Abebe shared an update on how he and his team are caring for and equipping the empowered families in the communities we serve. He has developed 5 critical and key strategies to lead the families through this time, some of which include providing accurate and reliable information about the outbreak, providing the families with sanitary and preventive equipment, business strategy counseling, and more. Click below to watch the video!


On March 30th, Pastor Edward and his team did their first food distribution in the Mayuge community.

On April 4th, Pastor Edward was able to distribute matooke (plantains) to families in the community. The matooke was harvested from a community farm which Pastor Edward and his team started and currently manage.


On April 2nd, Pastor John and his team did their first distribution of hygiene supplies, and provided education on proper hygiene practices to the community. 

We are so grateful for your generosity. If you would like to contribute to our emergency relief fund, and help us continue supporting the efforts of the local leaders we partner with around the world, click below!