Meet Alice and Patrick Isiko!
They live in Buwenda Village, near Jinja, Uganda. Their life is not much different from other people in the village. However, one thing that is unique about them is their deep desire and passion for caring for the least of these. Alice and Patrick have opened their home to take in and care for 9 vulnerable children from the community, on top of caring for their own 3 children. They care for all their basic needs including food, medical care, and school fees. Without the power of a small business, it would be hard for Alice to provide for her children’s daily needs.
In October of 2019, Alice and Patrick were both enrolled in the inaugural group of the Uganda Family Business Program. The program provided one month of training in entrepreneurial skills, including bookkeeping, saving, customer care, and more. After completing the program, they were given in-kind support to be able to launch their own dairy cow business! The business now generates over 20 liters of milk everyday, and support through the program has already helped to see her business grow.

Small businesses like Alice and Patrick’s provide increased income and the ability for families to provide for their children and build sustainability for the future. This sustainability ripples outward and helps entire communities to flourish and grow, as families stay together and the cycle of poverty is broken.