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15 years ago, Chris Marlow found himself on a trip to Zimbabwe. He knew that he was supposed to go on this trip and that he wanted to make a difference, but he didn’t know that this trip would change the trajectory of his entire life.

You may be familiar with the rest of the story, but that trip to Zimbabwe was the catalyst for what we now know as Help One Now. Chris and Necole started small by partnering with Pastor John Chinyowa in Zimbabwe. In the years to come, Help One Now grew to partner in Haiti, Uganda, and Ethiopia. We are now in eight different countries, coming alongside thousands of families as they lift themselves out of extreme poverty.
All because Chris Marlow said yes to a trip.
Now, over 16 years later, we have taken the time to learn and lean on our brilliant community leaders to find how we can best partner together and create a trip program that is transformative for both the communities we serve and those of us who get the incredible privilege of visiting them. We have seen and learned how short-term missions can sometimes do more harm than good, but that, at the core, there is so much beauty in the opportunity to spend time with our partners and friends in their communities and homes. So rather than cancel short-term missions altogether, we have taken intentional time to learn and reframe how we can take trips that are mutually beneficial and honoring of the cultures we get to visit.

While we could fill pages and pages of lessons learned from our partners around the world, here are some of the highlights:
1. We Are Partners, Not Heroes
It feels good to do good, doesn’t it? Part of that, we believe, is because we were designed to serve one another. This is a beautiful thing, but the true heroes in this work are the people on the ground leading these efforts – our country leaders and the families who are working with the resources they’ve been given to lift themselves out of extreme poverty. We are honored to partner with them and humbled by their transformative work.

2. We Serve By Being, Not (Always) Doing
The people living in the communities we partner with love to meet our Help One Now family. They long to spend time in embodied community with us. They are proud of where they live and what they do, and they love showing us around their community. Our trips are more about visiting family and friends and dreaming of how we can collaborate together rather than going to serve and accomplish a project.

3. Relationship Is The Key
Dropping in and out of global communities with no long-term connection might meet some immediate needs, but it does not create the long-term partnership needed to end cycles of extreme poverty. This work takes friendship, collaboration, and dedication to working together for the long haul. Our trips have become more centered around visiting our friends and dreaming around a shared table than doing projects or mission-based visits.

4. One Small Step Goes A Long Way
Although many of the problems around the world are complex and nuanced, doing good can be simple. We can often be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of extreme poverty. But the small step of showing up goes a lot further than you’d think. When we take an active listening role, we’re often amazed by the things we can accomplish together.

What might happen if you said yes to a trip with Help One Now? We’ve seen the impact these trips have had on our partners, but what’s more, we’ve seen that these trips offer a powerful experience and transformation for people just like you!